Cultural mediation is today an essential tool in the cultural innovation of those proposals whose main motive is the exhibition and dissemination of visual art. However, there are many institutions that, even when proposing activities that have to do with cultural dissemination, through the programming of exhibitions that contain any type of visual content, do not take into account or do not implement actions that serve to enrich the user experience, or of the viewer through the design and implementation of content aimed at that end.

Often cultural programming is based more on the products that are exhibited and does not adequately address the processes they generate. Cultural mediation transforms cultural consumption based on the passive reception by the user of a visual product, such as an exhibition, into a cultural process by creating a series of tools that improve the cognitive and emotional experience of this, encouraging them to interact and be part of that proposal, thus providing the whole cultural action with added value in which This transformation of the cultural product into a cultural process operates.

And that is what we do at FOC MEDIA, creating the content and tools that facilitate this transformation through cultural mediation. Contents and tools put at the service of the exhibition proposal, and the experience of the people who participate in it, either as users, as managers or as content creators, enriching them through the >dialogue, reflection and the sharing of knowledge, values and experiences caused by mediation itself.

As experts in cultural management and specialists in visual analysis, we create those tools and content that transform cultural products into a process, we provoke user participation and use the story it generates their experience in this process to provide feedback to the work of the managers and creators of those contents.

We propose the implementation of face-to-face and online mediation actions through guided tours, panels of experts and participatory dynamics with the users of the proposal that improve the way in which it is received, experienced, and thought about. and heartfelt, and we transform their experience into information, providing a story that provides qualitative value to the evaluation of the process that has been generated, thereby influencing the improvement of the results of content managers and creators as well.