It proposes an informative and training session aimed at those people and groups interested in photographic creation and the dissemination of photography.
Through three complementary activities, the possibilities that photography festivals open up as active agents in cultural dissemination through photography and still images are analyzed. It focuses, on the one hand, on a master class on how these types of initiatives are developed and how to access them, the viewing of the FAN FOC and a discussion table with the participants that allows us to know in more detail their particular vision of their photographic performance and their needs.


The development of the proposal FOC VISION is modular, it is adapted from a minimum to the interests, resources and needs of the requesting entity. Includes:

  • Talk: Dissemination of photographic heritage through FOC and the network of Photography Festivals in Spain: what the festivals offer and how to work with them.
  • The FAN FOC exhibition: a multimedia exhibition where 10 of the photographic projects selected by 15 film festival directors are presented. Photography at a national level through the Professional Photography Fair FER FOC.
  • Round table: photographic creation and cultural dissemination at the local level.


FAN FOC MULTIMEDIA PROJECTION, TALK AND ROUND TABLE, What is advisable is a meeting room with a movie screen or similar for the projection of the photographic projects that make up the exhibition. As an option, it can be projected from the available cannon using a mobile screen that minimally adapts to the technical needs. It is also possible to carry out the activity in a classroom or similar with equipment for multimedia projection.
Carrying out the photographic exhibition involves having an appropriate space for its exhibition.